Dvolver (week 1)

                       This is the website we are going to discuss about:  http://www.dvolver.com/moviemaker/make.html

References for picture:dvolver

The Dvolver/ Dflim website is about making movies or creating short clips using the target language. This technology is suitable for secondary beginners around the age of 13 to 15 years old. The idea of this website is to encourage students to structure short sentences using their target language.

How do teachers and students go about using this website? Don't worry just press the video below:

The advantages gained by using this website are:

1) teachers can vary their teaching activities.
2) teachers can make their teaching lessons more interesting.
3) students tend to learn language in a more free way.
4) students can practice constructing sentences based on a meaningful situation.

The disadvantages of using this website are:

1) its requires computer facilities and not all classrooms are inserted with computers.
2) students may tend to use inappropriate language while doing a video.


Teachers can use this website as an homework activity if they had not prepared any for their lesson because there is a link allowing the movies to be sent to. As a result, students can create their own movies and email it to their teachers. The point here is that teachers can personally provide their comments and feedbacks back by emailing it to their students.This may enhances a personal interaction teaching and learning process between teachers and students.

