Besides model essays, writing modules have also been used in teaching and learning writing as the whole world accepts modules as a learning tool and claims that it has a massive effect on students learning writing.(Laguna,2015). Nevertheless, a research done by Yew Tee (2018) emerged that many Malaysian classroom teaching and learning writing are still likely to be a conspicuous homogeneity and that too seems to be not positive in multiple field including English. To explain further, writing modules in Malaysian classrooms are likely to be a not preferred learning material compared to model essays and reference books. If at all writing modules are prepared they are mainly focused for upper secondary students (Form 4-Form5). Due to this very few writing modules are likely to be given or used as a learning tool for lower secondary students to learn writing (Kong,2015). 

Moreover, teaching and learning writing in Malaysian classrooms has always been teacher centered and writing assessments are focused on Summative assessments. In a study done by Quyen (2017),many Asian countries including Malaysia shows that “teaching,learning and assessment activities are strongly influenced by examination-orientated culture” (p.11).
This is some short summary on the current background of my students exposure to school and learning.

The teacher’s role is as a facilitator and observer since the teacher using the simulation model in the classroom has to guide and help the learners develop their skills in terms of exploring their responses It helps to establish the teacher in the neutral roles of facilitator and observer. The learners play the role as active learners and actors since they need to take responsibility and ownership for their roles in a simulation. 

I related this topic with the simulation model because as a teacher I would love to change my approach from drilling to interactive when I teach alphabets.

We will discuss topic by topic relating to pre school students. One of the most famous or common topic that we teachers always end up discussing are on alphabets.
The most important things that we focus in pre school relating to language are alphabets.
We can teach alphabets in many ways. I do not always opt for traditional teaching approaches. I love to teach alphabets using technology. I also always browse the technology to find resources relating to the advancement of teaching alphabets to students.

There are plenty of ready resources that we can get from websites. I have found some amazing websites that I would love to share with teachers on the topic Alphabets.

Reference for the picture is :EasyPeasyandFun
References for the sources are:
1)K5 Learning
2)Free printable preschool worksheets and activities
