Besides that, when these form one students write descriptive essays, they also make SVA and Tenses grammar errors. In a study done by Musa,Lie and Azman(2007,) showed that using the correct form of English grammar is the main problem with Malaysian students’ writing. The two recurrent grammatical errors in descriptive writing that form one students always make are the misuse of tenses and subject-verb agreements. In a research done by (Malini 2017) These grammatical errors often occur in form one students descriptive essays maybe due to the interference of their mother tongue and limited knowledge of grammatical rules and concepts. Consequently, these SVA and Tenses grammar errors has made many of these form one students struggled even in building proper grammar free sentences while writing a descriptive essay.To explain further, in a research done by (Malini 2017)errors in tenses are the utmost highest among the form one students from different primary backgrounds as they intend to get confused or mix various different tenses to be written in a body paragraph.

I referred to some of the problems my students and most students face with grammar.

Present , Past  and Future verbs are really confusing especially for children. It requires a lot of understanding interms of time progressions. Even adult and high educational students make mistakes with these verbs what more children. 

Hence as a teacher, I always use images to teacher my students these confusing verbs. And it really helps because even if they do not understand the concepts, they can see it visually and remember in their mind. They can visualize and differentiate the time progression and use these verbs correctly in context.

Teaching these verbs are very important because these verbs are the main grammatical aspects  during writing. Tense errors are considered major errors in writing an essay.

In sum, I would love to share some of my pdf present past future teaching aids that can be used by teachers to also teach your students. It is not only for primary, it is also useful to revise back again these verbs with secondary and high level students. Grammar is never easy .

For more additional pdf's teachers can  refer to this source : (to get pdf materials register free account and download plenty more)

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