Social Studies (English syllabus)

In view of the fact that, these two aspects do not have a literal definition, a lot of studies have been carried out by various theorists in attempt to explicitly clarify the fuzzy boundaries between them in order to unite these features as well as to assess their relevance. Theoretically these two features; emotion and intelligence are being researched from an eclectic perception where all angles are taken into account rather than just a single approach to elucidate these elements. The development of theories regarding emotion and intelligence can be distinguished into two phases. Firstly, the early presumption for emotion illustrates Ekman (1992) theory. Then the second phase concerning recent theories of emotion are by Schachter and Singer (1962), James and Lange Theory and Cannon –Bard Theory. Moving on to intelligence, the first stage exemplifies early theories by Spearman (1923), then Thurstone (1938) and lastly by Cattell (1963) and the second stage, a propose of modern theories of intelligence by Gardner (1983) and Sternberg's (1985). In fact, after reviewing the deduction from each theorists, a salient model is chosen, the Emotional Intelligence model by Salovey and Mayer (1990,1993), depicting the unity between emotion and intelligence as together.

I have connect the Fuzzy teaching theory because it connects with my students especially when they are trying to become a good citizen and human

Social studies or also known as Pendidikan Moral in Malay refers to the subject thought to all students starting from primary to secondary from standard 1 all the way up to SPM. 

It is a subject that reflects life and the values that we need to comprehend in order to understand life and become a better human being. Moral teachers will normally teach all the essential core values that students need to know.

The core values are all together 25 .It teachers students respect independence love and many more values. Moral teachers always need to make teaching and learning Moral more contextualize and it is sometimes not that easy but somehow we teachers manage to do it.

In the classroom , we are directly facing the students as well as teaching them but somehow now since we are more on elearning it will be more exciting to teach Moral as we can relate each core value with the activities the students do with their family at home. Just an idea.

Concisely, Moral is more of learning in a personalized and contextualized learning atmosphere. Additionally , I would also love to share some teaching material for our Moral teachers.

Below is the link↓

References for the picture:freepk
References for the resources:
