Below I attach the Basic Manual [steps] :

Reading is a fun activity but sometimes it can be hard for our students. Students are always exposed to writing materials that demand a high level of reading ability whereby students failed to read and find information to elaborate in their writing. 

Many students in schools are frequently exposed to limited writing materials like English reference books, textbooks and reading model essays that are specifically read to fulfill the exam requirements. In such circumstances, it test they reading ability and most often they don’t understand what they read because they do not interact with the prominent reading materials which eventually leaves them with hardly any knowledge to write. 

They are unable to comprehend the text they read and regenerate the elaborations given through the reading materials in their writing. Researches in Nasrin (2012) also reported that many students always learn writing or depend to find some information that can help them improve their elaboration skills mainly through exam orientated learning materials either PULSE or KBSR textbook or reading model essays. 

Hence. intervention programs are very important for students and materials used should be in par with their level and not the examination expectations. Intervention programs are there to help students to improve their reading skills and not only to train them for examination purposes. 

For my intervention programs I love to use this worksheets with my grade 6 students in order to further polish their reading comprehension skills.
This website provides a variety of Reading Comprehension worksheets from pre up to 6thgrade.
The exercises are also interesting and I can choose which worksheet I want according to my students levels .

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  1. limited writing materials like English reference books, textbooks and reading model essays that are specifically read to fulfill the exam love language quiz requirements. In such circumstances, it test they reading ability and most often they don’t understand what they read because they do not interact with the prominent reading materials which eventually leaves them with hardly any knowledge to write.


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